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Face Mask Detection using EMOTYX

Considering the current situation of the Corona Virus prevalent, it’s very important to flatten the curve by reducing the spread rate of the virus. Citizens are advised to wear a face mask when they are exposed to public locations. It will be hard to monitor when the number of users is more in a premise and repeated offenders should be identified. Emotyx is an AI-powered real-time video analytics software that enables businesses to harness intelligent insights from CCTV videos. Emotyx’s mask detection module can distinguish the users who have covered their faces with a mask or any type of cloth so that they are not exposed to the virus. 

Face Mask Detection Platform uses Artificial Network to recognize if a user is not wearing a mask. The software suite can be integrated with an existing or new CCTV camera to detect people without a mask. If the database or users’ information is supplied to the system, the software can identify the persons who are not wearing the mask tracking their identity also. If the DB is not provided to the system, the system assigns an ID to each user that comes in front of the camera and will create a DB within the system itself, repeated offenders will be mapped in the DB and can be identified.

Face Mask Detection System uses existing IP cameras and CCTV cameras combined with Computer Vision to detect people without masks.


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